All the things I love and do, written down in lovely lists! I will warn you now, if you're offended easily, beware! Although I try my best, I do tend to swear an awful lot, sorry! xXx

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Q4: How do you keep a positive attitude in the winters gloom?

When it's all dark and gloomy outside I don't use the 'big' light, I put a few lamps on. They all have regular 40w frosted bulbs in and the lampshades are warm red colours. The combination of bulb choice, shade colour and position in the room create a soft warm glow and help the room feel more cosy and bright without being a harsh glare coming from directly overhead. And, this may be an unpopular thing to say, but I bloody hate energy saving bulbs. Detest them. They take forever to 'warm up' by the time they emit enough light to see by, you don't need them anymore, and the light they do give I find harsh and glaring. We only use one in our house and that's only because it gets left on half the night on the landing so my daughter can see not to fall downstairs if she wakes up.

2) Blankets and a movie.
There isn't many things in this world more comforting than the security a big fluffy blanket brings you! When it's cold outside I love to grab my kid, a big tub of popcorn and some drinks, and watch a movie, all snuggled up under a big blanket. Depending on if it's before Christmas or after, we would watch something like Elf or The Muppet's Christmas Carol. (But we're only allowed to watch Muppets if The Big Man is home too, because it's tradition we all watch that one together.) Or if it's after Christmas it could be anything from Labyrinth to Lego Movie. Doesn't really matter as long as the popcorn doesn't run out.

3) Staying Hydrated.
Most people remember to stay hydrated in Summer but how many of us do in Winter? I usually have a big (grown up, honest...) sippy cup with me in the house that I drink from. As soon as I finish it I refill so I always have drink on hand. I hate the taste of water (but water doesn't have a taste you cry... It does. It's grim.) but luckily adding some squash/ cordial still counts, so I tend to have that. As well as coffee. Lots of lovely coffee. My daughter is 3, so she gets either milk, water or occasionally some weak squash in her sippy cup. When I say we have sippy cups, that's just what we call our tumblers with a lid and straw. Boo can drink from a regular cup, me too, but to be honest, I'm pretty accident prone and these are more difficult to spill.

4) Skin Care.
Cod weather can really play silly buggers with your skin. It's just as important to keep your outside hydrated as it is to keep your insides hydrated. I do this by treating myself to lovely bath time products, creams, lotions and potions, and of course, drinking plenty. Not alcohol mind...
I use a face cream before I put my make up on the keep my skin feeling awesome, and I keep my make up remover and cotton pads next to my bed so I have no excuse for sleeping in it. If I fall asleep before I get that far, I take it off first thing in the morning and don't wear make up that day. Or at least that morning.

Much Love, 


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