All the things I love and do, written down in lovely lists! I will warn you now, if you're offended easily, beware! Although I try my best, I do tend to swear an awful lot, sorry! xXx

Monday, 4 January 2016

Q2: What new things do you want to learn this year?

1) How to use my planner effectively.
The Big Man got me a Dokibook for Christmas from LoveDoki. I chose the royal purple and gold in large and he even bought me some inserts to go with it. See...
Royal Purple and Gold DokiBook from LoveDoki.

Isn't she lovely?! Only problem is, I have started lots of planners and journals in the past and never managed to continue it past a few months. I never mean to stop but my attention span isn't great and without a huge amount to actually plan, planners get wasted. But 2016 is going to be a big year for our little family. My daughter is starting nursery this year, I have a (sort of) job now, there's blog posts to plan now :) and, hopefully this will be the year we finally buy our own house! Our OWN house! I hope there's room for a craft room...

2) How to use a slow cooker.
My darling wonderful cousin Louisa got me a slow cooker for Christmas! She knew I'd been after one for ages after we had to borrow hers for a week when the oven blew up in summer (long story...). So she remembered all these months that I wanted one and went and got one. From Lakeland no less! I wont post a link to the actual cooker, because I don't want to see how much it was, but if you're curious, its the Lakeland own 3.5lt one.
I have a huge page on pinterest filled with slow cooker recipes because when we finally have our own place I intend to be a once a month chef. You know what I mean, when the designated chef/ runner of the house spends one full day in the kitchen, prepping and bagging an entire months worth of meals, so all you have to do is take a bag out and bang it in the slow cooker. Voila, dinner is done. No mess, no fuss, it's just sorted. Plus, The Big Man is appallingly bad at portion control! It's not often he cooks, but when he does, the meal is (almost) always lovely, but there is always FAR too much. Not to mention every damn pan has been used, burnt, scratched with metal utensils and who knows what else!

3) Fireplaces.
You remember me saying a few paragraphs ago I have a sort of job? Well it's for a family friends company. My grandparents best friends have a company that builds fireplace surrounds. They get very busy, specially in certain seasons and call me in when they need an extra pair of hands. That's what I mean when I say a sort of job. I'm on the books, the taxman knows when I work, but it's not set hours, it's just as and when I'm needed. I have been told however, they are thinking about training me up to do more office/admin work than I currently do. I really hope this happens because it feels fabulous to be out of the house, feeling like I'm contributing an actual income, even if it's only a couple of days a week/month. So this year I would love to learn more about the actual fireplaces made, how they're made, how they are distributed, everything the company does, I want to learn! 

Well that's my list of what I want to learn this year. I'm quite impressed at the lack of swearing in this post! I did type this while sat in the same room as my grandparents, so it could be their influence...
There are plenty more things I would like to learn, but these 3 are actually likely to happen. It's very doubtful I'm gonna learn to speak Elvish, play the piano and fight like a ninja in the course of 1 year...

Much Love,


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